Hey! I'm Alex Burt with Until All Hear! Evangelistic ministry.
Until All Hear! Is based in Bethlehem, Ga with the majority of the ministry work taking place in Athens. Before I get into the ministry work in Athens, I want to give you a short history of what eventually came to be called Until All Hear!
In the early 80s, some friends shared the Gospel with me and led me in “The Sinner’s Prayer”. I am very grateful for these men who had the courage to do so. I can count on one hand the number of times in 57 years anyone has inquired about the destiny of my soul, so what I am fixing to say is in no way meant to demean them or what they did.
I thought that I was saved for many years after having recited that prayer. Every time I would begin to doubt I would always look back to that time and think, “ I must be okay, because I said that prayer”. Looking back, I knew I was not okay. The tell-tale sign was the fact that I was no different after the prayer than I had been before and I walked through life for over a decade trying to convince myself I was okay because I said that prayer. Many years later, after leaving the Army in 1995, along with my wife and daughter I began going to church. Around 1997 we were having revival meetings at our little country church and I began to have serious doubts about my salvation. I cannot remember anything the preacher said in particular, but I knew all was NOT well with my soul, but I was scared that people would think I was nuts if I told them I had never been saved. . I had taught Sunday School and been pretty active in church so how was I going to stand before them and confess I was not a true believer? Finally, I couldn’t take it any longer and my fear of being lost overcame my fear of confessing I was a false convert before men. As God was drawing me, I found myself down at the altar, with an older retired preacher sharing the Gospel with me. I was broken and repented of my sin and placed my trust in Jesus. I’m not sure if it was at that moment or a bit later, but I finally realized my faith had not been in Jesus, but in a prayer for all those years.
It wasn’t long after that that I preached in the open air for the first time, at the Courthouse in my hometown of Fort Payne, AL. I along with some others began a ministry with the goal of preaching at all 67 County Courthouses in the state of Alabama. We made it to about 7 or 8, I believe, and for a while we had church at our courthouse once a month.
In 2004 we moved to Chandler, AZ and while I was there, I was able to attend Living Waters’ Ambassadors Academy, in California, which re-ignited my passion for evangelism and open air preaching of the Gospel. I spent time on Mill Ave with some like minded brothers sharing the Gospel with tracts, preaching and conversations, until we moved to Bethlehem, GA at the end of 2008.
Once in Georgia, I did not want to become apathetic so I began looking for a place to do evangelistic work. God had placed me between Atlanta and Athens, GA. With Athens being the home of the University of Georgia, it seemed like the logical location, so I began going to downtown Athens and passing out tracts. As I grew more confident and God connected me with other men, I began to preach and engage people with the Gospel. God has blessed me with 13 years of ministry in Athens and I pray He gives me many more.
I would be remiss if I did not mention our great team of evangelists here in Athens. Although we may each have our own ministries that may look a little different, we have been working together for years and I am so grateful the Lord has allowed me to be a part of such a wonderful, dedicated team.
These men have no idea what they mean to me! Their faithfulness and steadfastness is a huge encouragement!
I have also been able to be part of Sports Fan Outreach's Super Bowl Outreach. I have been to 6 super bowl outreach events with my first being the 2010 Super Bowl in Miami. I skipped a few years and since then have been to the outreaches in San Francisco in 16, Houston in 17, Atlanta in 19 and Miami again in 20. I was honored to be a team leader for the Super Bowl outreach in Tampa, FL, in 2021 and will be again for the outreach in LA in 2022, Lord willing.
Thank you for your prayers and gifts, as we reach a lost world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ!
Until All Hear!